《Rolling In The Deep》歌词: There's a fire starting in my heart Reachi...
2015-10-12 4.94k 0

《Someone Like You》歌词: I heard that you're settled down That you found ...
2015-10-12 4.41k 0

《Skyfall》歌词: This is the end Hold your breath and count to ten Fee...
2015-10-12 4.13k 0

曲目: 01. Rolling in the Deep 02. Rumour Has It 03. Turning Tables 0...
2015-10-12 5.9k 0

《One and Only》歌词: You've been on my mind I grow fonder every day...
2015-10-12 3.08k 0

《Lovesong》歌词: Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like...
2015-10-12 3.62k 0

《Set Fire to the Rain》歌词: I let it fall my heart And as it fell you ...
2015-10-12 4.7k 0

《Chasing Pavements》歌词: I've made up my mind, Don't need to think...
2015-10-12 3.26k 0
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